Tag: algorithms
How to Predict Sales Using the ARIMAX Algorithm
In time series analysis, Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) models are used for short-term forecasting based on past values. In this article, we will analyze the ARIMA model built in Megaladata to forecast monthly sales volumes of seasonal (winter sports) goods.
Shewhart Charts as a Tool to Control Business Processes
Every business experiences failures in business processes from time to time. Finding and eliminating the causes takes not only time but also money. It is crucial to perform real-time monitoring of the changes in the process and ensure its stability. Shewhart control charts can solve this task, reducing costs significantly.
Scalable CLOPE Algorithm for Clustering Categorical Data
Splitting of categorical and transactional data arrays into groups with similar attributes is the most important task of data mining. In most cases, traditional clustering algorithms are not effective when processing large databases. This article describes a scalable heuristic algorithm — CLOPE, which delivers high quality and high performance clus...
Smart Sales Analysis for Wiser Business Management
The combined use of ABC and XYZ analysis will help you to better navigate the product range, optimize logistics and warehouse stocks, segment customers and partners, and properly set up interactions.